Sunday, March 24, 2013


Malachi is a atmospheric sludge band from Milwalkie WI.  The members of Malachi have been/are in other bands such as Artimus Pyle , What Happens Next?, Laudnum, Conquest for Death, High on Crime, Skull Time, Fuck Face, Living Under Lies, Stab City Slit Wrists, Blood Eagle, FAME, Coward, Downer, Noisegate and Beneath the Lake. - Ya' know, just to name a few.
With lots of guitar riffing, a cello, chaotic noise, and sparingly used yet damn near perfect vocals, Malachi runs a gamut of styles and fucking kills it.
If at any point you start getting bored during the 12:18 Lifeless, wait it out because this shit turns on you faster than a pubescent teen, it gets heavy and angry quick.

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