Sunday, March 10, 2013


 A band like Priests probably gets pretty sick of hearing people compare them to riot grrl bands like Bikini Kill.  I didn't want to be that guy, and i attempted to review them without using that term, but it didn't seem honest and it wasn't working for me. So, here i go...
  If you, like me, sometimes resent that you weren't going to shows in Olympia in 1992, there is good news for you, and its conveniently located in washington DC.
Preists is like a breath of fresh air and a shot of nostalgia at the same time. The music is really energetic and obnoxious. Like a sugar high little kid jumping on your eardrums. You can hear the heightened energy of the band members come out through their instruments and the people in the band commanded so much attention that when they played in Columbus, I noticed them on the street and wondered who they were hours before they played their show. I prefer Tape 1 to the more recent Radiation/personal planes.  If you get the chance, go out to see them play!

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